Bonus Ep: Album Dive – Wolfgang Valbrun’s “Flawed By Design”

Welcome to the premiere “Album Dive” bonus episode: a way to hear the stories behind the songs from a specific album that have made, or will soon make, our collective mixtapes & playlists!

On this “Album Dive” episode, I am joined by modern soul artist Wolfgang Valbrun to dig into the stories behind several songs from his debut album “Flawed By Design,” which was released in May via Jalapeno Records. Straddling the lines between soul, rock and blues, Wolfgang provides introspective insights through raw unapologetic lyrics, married with the incredible musicianship of his band.

We also talk about the importance of physical media vs. streaming, as well as the current state of soul music.

Purchase a copy of the album now:


  • Sun Don’t Shine
  • Love Yourself
  • Keep Your Head Up
  • I’ll Be Your Prey
  • Paris
  • Flawed By Design
  • Almighty $$

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